Dustin Maxon

Nearly 20 years ago, as a young high school kid, Dustin was brought onto a crew as an intern in a local collision shop. Unbeknownst to him, fate would guide him into an incredible career of building award winning custom hot rods in a shop he helped establish through determination and hard work.

Dustin and Randy met as coworkers and built a friendship and work relationship through their mutual interest and passion for classic cars. When Randy decided to start his own shop, he recognized the work ethic, talent and drive within Dustin and decided undoubtedly to bring him on board. From burning the midnight oil, to creating amazing show pieces, this duo brought a new meaning to classic car restoration and custom building for central Nebraska.

Dustin’s area of expertise spans a wide variety of skillsets. From wiring wizard to fabricating aficionado, his ability to perfect the look and function of all the projects that come through the shop doors never ceases to amaze. While his heart and passion shows immensely in his work, he also obtains many talents outside of work. Always one to share his love of the outdoors, he is an avid hunter, graciously sharing the delicious spoils of his game. If he ever decides to pursue an additional career path, we all agree he could rule the world of jerky making!

A family man, friend and dedicated technician, his role in this shop is nothing less than legendary.